Texas, undoubtedly, has some of the most strict drug laws in the country. This is a means to deter offenders and hold those who commit these offenses responsible. However, it’s critical to understand that if charged with a second drug offense, you will face increased penalties for this charge. If this reflects your circumstances, understanding the consequences you can face upon conviction is critical. The following blog covers what you should know about these matters and explores the importance of connecting with Houston drug crime lawyers.

How Can a Prior Conviction Impact a Current Drug Charge?

When you are a convicted criminal, even for a non-violent drug offense, it can have serious impacts on your life. As such, if you are charged for a second time, the impact can be even more intense. This is, in part, due to the increased penalties you will face due to your status as a “repeat offender.”

When charged with a first-time drug possession offense like possession of three grams of cocaine, for example, you will face a third-degree felony. You can expect to serve between two and ten years behind bars. However, if you are successfully convicted of this offense, and there is another felony (with the exception of a state jail felony) on your record, you will face increased penalties. As such, this charge will be treated as a second-degree felony, meaning you could serve up to 20 years for this offense.

Not only can you face much harsher legal penalties for a repeat offense, but you’ll also find that being labeled as a repeat offender can have serious impacts on your personal and professional life. It can impact your ability to find a good career and you may lose certain professional licenses. Additionally, it can severely hurt your chances of receiving custody of your children.

What Should I Do if Facing Charges?

If you are facing another criminal conviction for a drug charge, it’s in your best interest to obtain legal representation. Not only can fighting the charges against you increase the chances of a conviction, but it subsequently helps prevent being labeled as a repeat offender. However, trying to represent yourself is not in your best interest, as it can likely result in an unfavorable outcome. As such, investing in the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney is imperative. Your lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system to help improve your chances of a positive outcome while exploring all possible avenues for a defense.

When you’re in trouble, the Sparks Law Firm can help. We understand how complicated these matters can be and the impact a second or third drug offense can have on your life. As such, we will do everything possible to help you fight for the best possible outcome. Connect with our team today to learn how we can help you.